Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Starting "20 Time"

Mrs.Vessell my Language Arts teacher, decided we were not creative enough for her preferences. She decided to give us this project, "20 time" its a project where out of the class we have twenty percent of the class period to work on any project that we wanted. She wanted to achieve something from us that no one has, brain power. She wants US to come up with our project, our own rubric, our own procedures. Not sure how I feel about my teacher anymore.

This is by far the weirdest project in the history of projects. Many things may come out of this project, I could look like a complete and utter fool, or I could look like the most amazing and world changing person in the history of ever. This project with either leave me in a pool of tears, sobbing in the corner of my bedroom, or I will be standing with the utmost pride and accomplishment.

I am excited for this project because I no longer have to follow a rubric for the project, no breathtaking formulas, or sadistic worksheets that every high school student dreds. I can do whatever I want, if i want to build a car, I can. If I want to find a way to turn peanut butter into diamonds, I can. Also the diversity of projects that are applicable for this project is exciting. Not everybody has to do the same exact project, the same exact way.

I am terrified of this project simply because of the fact that this a public speaking project. If you know anything about me, you know public speaking is not one of my strengths. It is in fact one of my weakest traits. I am also scared about this project because if you know me, I am also very competetive. Well, with just about everything, i dont like it when things "get the best" of me. So im afraid mentally of failing and being beaten by this project. I also hate failure, so if I fail, I would be devestated.

Over all, I am very excited for this 20 Time project.