Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lets Talk...

Lets Talk... lets talk about what suicide is. You may ask "That's stupid, I already know that." While that may be true, you may not know why it happens and the signs someone may be thinking suicide. Suicide is not a very gentle topic for me, it's a very sensitive topic for me. I want to whomever reads this to know how to spot someone who is or may be thinking about suicide. I want to help as many people as I can by reaching out to as many people as I can. Telling people what the signs are for someone who is suicidal so that they can save a friend or a loved one.

One sign of some one who is suicidal is when they withdraw or isolate themselves more than usual. The occasional "I want to work alone" does not mean they are depressed, everybody occasionally does this, even I do this. If you notice someone who does this a little too often, that's when you need to be cautious. If you notice a friend or a loved not wanting to hang out as often, or they just stay closed to themselves, and you know this is not their normal personality, assume that something is up. It is much better to be safe, than to be sorry.

Another sign of someone who is thinking about suicide is when they act like nobody likes them, they feel as if they are a burden to people. If someone you know is constantly talking about how they are a burden to everybody, be cautious. They will show an increase in not accepting peoples actions. If somebody asks this person to say, sharpen their pencil, or buy them something, they will be quick to say "No" or "It's okay". They will start to feel like an outsider, feel as if they are not good enough. If you ever notice somebody acting like this, tell somebody, talk to them about it, try to help them, show them that they are loved.

Even though this is only two signs (due to length) there are many more, as you will see in a video below. If you have been thinking about suicide, tell somebody. Please tell somebody, tell your mom, tell your best friend you can trust, tell your teacher, they will only want to help you. Somebody will notice if you start acting like what I said above. Just know that people will notice and people will want to help you.   


Thank you for reading, Happy Holidays.