Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Holidays

The holiday spirit is here! Even though this is being done on a Saturday, and not Friday, it serves the same purpose. Hopefully the holiday season is making the fire places warm, making everybody smile, but most importantly keeping the gifts from being destroyed on the first day. There is a more important issue that surrounds this holiday season.

Studies have shown that the holiday season is the time where most suicide cases are filed. The stress put on people to give gifts, or the fact that people are surrounded by this festive activities but they are suffering, suffering from the worlds most dangerous disease, depression.

The thing with the holidays is that, its a time to do whatever in the world you want to. Ask for anything you want. Dress in the most ugliest clothes and not get judged. Mean you have the chance to kiss whoever you want at the sake of a berry. This is a time to hang with friends and to surround yourself with your loving family and friends.

This time of year is stressful, no doubt about it. Even I, a fourteen year old boy gets stressed about the holiday season. If you or anybody is stressed about giving the perfect gift, you in better terms, are wasting your time. There is and never will be a perfect gift. There is one thing, whatever you get somebody, they will love it. This may be a cliche, but it actual true. "It's the though that counts" that literally saved my life a few years ago. The fact that you thought enough about someone to get them something, is the biggest gift they will ever receive.

This holiday season is supposed to be a merry and joyful time of the year, so give a random act of kindness, hug a random person, high five everybody you see, these little acts can go a really long way. Happy Holidays, from me to, go eat some fruit cake.