Friday, December 12, 2014

I Think I Finally Know What I Want to Do.

So today during the twenty percent  of the class period we had to decide on what my topic could be. Of course, the usual came over me, wanting to build a car, wanting to learn how to fly a plane, or even learning how to drive. I realized that all these topics centered around a common basis, they all benefited me. 

Knowing this, I wanted to help others, rather than myself. I don't care so much about what I want but what others want. One major problem that surrounds me and one of the few topics that really get to me... suicide.

I have decided to devote my twenty time project to making a suicide prevention blog, using blogger. I want to use this to provide comfort and make people battling this sick and twisted disease. I want them to find something they can relate to. That they can read this and feel loved.

I will work to post one of these posts every Friday, and hopefully get some feedback from whomever reads my blog. So I ca connect with people outside my life that is battling this illness. I will research the rates of suicide per state in the United States and also all over the world. I will research the causes of this, as well as hopefully hearing stories from people who read this blog. 

My goal in doing this is to reach out to a population greater than what is known to me. To hopefully change the lives of people who are struggling with this, or make them feel better about themselves. This is not a self-esteem blog, this is a suicide prevention blog. A blog that is devote to help a greater cause, then to fulfill my personal greed.