Sunday, February 8, 2015

Update for February

For this weeks blog I will be giving an update about what I have done in the past week.

For my time in class I am allowed to do 20Time I (as mentioned by my mentor) to go to to see what startimg a Rachel's Challenge would include. If your not fimilar with what Rachel's Challenge is, as quoted directly from their website,  "Rachel's Challenge is a national non-profit organization dedicated to creating safe, connected school environments where learning and teaching are maximized. Based on the life and writing of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine tragedy in 1999, Rachel's Challenge provides a continual improvement process for schools designed to awaken the learner in every child. We motivate and equip students to start and sustain a chain reaction of kindness and compassion that transforms schools and communities."

To start a Rachel's Challenge I will need to get a group of students who can be relied on, and will help start and change the school for the better. I will have to make democratic decisions on what activities to do. Whether it is donate money, have a day where everybody has to do a random act of kindness. Just something that will help change the school for the better. I will have to talk to Mrs. Teknipp to help me start my goal of starting a Rachel's Challenge. Maybe I could start a chain reaction,

 I have yet to talk to my coucelors about flyers or pamphlets to pass out around the school, I plan to do that, I just have to have the guts to ask them about it. Over all this 20Time is going very well.

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